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Understanding and Strengthening Resilience for Peace: Timor-Leste Final Report

23 mai, 2016

Frameworks for Assessing Resilience (FAR). (FAR) is a programme initiated by Interpeace, implemented between 2014 and 2016 with local partners in Guatemala, Liberia et un Timor-Leste. The goal of the FAR programme is to understand resilience to violent conflict from a local perspective and to determine how existing capacities for resilience can be leveraged and strenghtened to better contribute to sustainable peace.

Over the course of eighteen months, the programme in Timor-Leste has sought to identify and promote resilience sources and capacities through an inclusive and participatory process that engaged communities at the grassroots as well as representatives of government institutions and civil society organizations.

This report is the final output of the FAR programme in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste National Forum. Photo Credit: Steve Tickner